Statement on Peaceful Negotiations Respecting Indigenous Rights

Created 19 February 2020 15:02

CUFA BC stands in solidarity with Indigenous nations and peoples across the country who are insisting upon respect for Wet’suwet’en law, autonomy, and sovereignty over unceded Wet’suwet’en lands.

CUFA BC calls upon the federal and provincial governments to ensure that peaceful negotiations are conducted and to uphold the Indigenous rights enshrined in our Constitution, in court rulings, and through the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, formally enshrined as British Columbia law in November 2019.

CUFA BC represents over 5,500 professors, lecturers, instructors, professional librarians, and other academic staff at the five research-intensive universities of British Columbia, which include the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, the University of Victoria, the University of Northern British Columbia, and Royal Roads University.

The Confederation has existed for nearly fifty years and works closely with member Faculty Associations at each institution. Our purposes are to support high-quality post-secondary education and research in British Columbia and to advocate for the interests of our members.