Update on CUFA BC’s Distinguished Academics Awards: 2020 Awards Winners & 2021 Awards Nominations

Created 16 November 2020 09:11

Thank you for your patience and continued support of CUFA BC. We acknowledge know how unfortunate it has been that our celebration of BC’s Distinguished Academics continues to be delayed and look forward to a time when we can come together in person to celebrate the incredible work of our colleagues across the province.


We have two updates for you regarding 1) the 2020 Distinguished Academics Awards celebration that was canceled earlier this year and 2) the next cycle for nominations.


2020 Awards Winners Celebration

The CUFA BC Executive Committee has decided to hold a virtual events ceremony highlighting the 2020 Distinguished Academics Awards winners: Dr. Dara Kelly, Dr. Bonny Norton, and Dr. Ken Lertzman. The event will be held online in March 2021 with details to come.


2021 Awards Nominations

The CUFA BC Executive Committee will open its call for nominations to the 2021 Distinguished Academics Awards in December 2020 with a closing deadline of April 1, 2021. The adjusted nominations cycle will see the awards ceremony held in fall 2021 (to be held virtually or in-person, as permitted). More information will be available in December on our website at www.cufa.bc.ca/awards/nominations.

We look forward to the time when we can gather together in celebration of the incredible scholarship taking place at BC’s research and doctoral universities. We know, too, that this work continues even during a pandemic. There are more contributions being made every day to the betterment of our lives and our planet, which is why it is important to us that we continue with our Distinguished Academics Awards in recognition of the important contributions BC’s academics are making to society.

Until we connect again, I wish you and your loved ones well.



Dr. Daniel Laitsch
