
Related Organizations

Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)

Based in Ottawa, CAUT is our national sister organization, made up of faculty associations and unions across the country, as well as provincial confederations such as CUFA BC. CAUT is 72,000 members strong, representing faculty and staff at over 120 schools across Canada.
President: Dr. Peter McInnis

Confederation of Faculty Associations of Alberta (CAFA)

CAFA is CUFA BC’s corresponding organization in Alberta. Comprised of faculty associations at Alberta’s four research universities, CAFA deals with many issues similar to those navigated by CUFA BC. Due to our shared interests and geographical proximity, CAFA and CUFA BC work together regularly.
President: Dr. Lee Easton

Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (FPSE)

FPSE is CUFA BC’s provincial sister organization. Comprised of unions that represent teaching staff at BC’s colleges and teaching-focused universities, FPSE represents over 10,000 members at 22 schools across BC.
President: Brent Calvert

Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA)

OCUFA plays a similar role to CUFA BC, in Ontario, providing an allied voice and support for its member associations. The Confederation’s membership includes 28 faculty associations at Ontario’s research universities.
President: Dr. Nigmendra Narain

Research Universities’ Council of British Columbia (RUCBC)

CUFA BC’s counterpart organization is the Research Universities’ Council of British Columbia. RUC BC represents the interests of the research universities in BC: Royal Roads University, Simon Fraser University, Thompson Rivers University, University of British Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia, and University of Victoria.
President: Dr. Max Blouw       

Federation of New Brunswick Faculty Associations (FNBFA)

Based in New Brunswick, FNBFA represents the interests of approximately 1,500 professors, contract academic staff, librarians, and researchers at six campuses of the province’s four public universities. It advocates for the protection of the institutional autonomy of universities, and aims to improve the quality of post-secondary education and research in the province.
President: Dr. Jean Sauvageau

Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers (ANSUT)

Based in Nova Scotia, ANSUT advocates for the quality, accessibility, and academic integrity of Post-Secondary Education. It represents its members in maintaining and improving the autonomy and diversity of their individual institutions to those ends.
President: Dr. Scott Stewart