CUFA BC Sends Welcome to the Honourable Selina Robinson, Incoming Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

Created 7 December 2022 11:12

On December 7, 2022, the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia (CUFA BC) issued the following letter to the Honourable Minister Selina Robinson of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills:

Dear Honourable Minister Robinson,

The Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia (CUFA BC) is the voice of professors, professional librarians, lecturers, and instructors at BC’s research universities. On behalf of our more than 5,500 members, congratulations on your appointment as Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

The post-secondary education portfolio is a challenging one, but you have a wonderful opportunity in the years ahead to make positive contributions to the province through BC’ research universities. The teaching and research taking place at these institutions continue to address the most pressing social, economic, cultural, and environmental challenges facing British Columbians. These institutions and the faculty who work within them are crucial to the goals of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

We look forward to building upon our productive relationship with the ministry in dealing with the pressing social and economic challenges facing our province and our research universities. We would like the opportunity to meet with you soon as you better familiarize yourself with the portfolio.

Yours sincerely,


Kenneth Christie, PhD



DOWNLOAD CUFA BC Sends Congratulations to Hon. Minister Selina Robinson PSEFS