

After fifty years of leadership and engagement, CUFA BC now represents more than 5,500 faculty members, academic librarians, lecturers, instructors, and other academics at five research and doctoral universities in British Columbia, including University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria, University of Northern British Columbia, and Royal Roads University.

Our origin story, however, is humble and built on the passion and collaboration of university faculty who wanted to improve the quality of education and funding at BC’s universities.

CUFA BC started in 1971 as a meeting between elected leaders of the faculty associations at BC’s four (at the time) universities: University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria, and Notre Dame University (no longer operating).

The leaders met to discuss matters of common interest as the Coordinating Committee of the BC Faculty Associations. The value of such coordination was recognized early on and the faculty associations decided to establish a more formal organization through which they would work together and present the expertise of university faculty to the provincial government and the public.

By March 1973, the first constitution and by-laws were adopted by the four faculty associations creating the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of BC. In April 1982, CUFA BC was formally incorporated as a non-profit society. CUFA BC began modestly. The organization was run by volunteer faculty association leaders until 1987 when an office was established at University of Victoria and the first permanent staff member was hired. Five years later, the CUFA BC office moved to Vancouver where it remains today.

Today, CUFA BC is a respected authority on post-secondary education issues in British Columbia. We continue to promote the value of high-quality post-secondary education; academic freedom; university governance; academic labour relations; and research and teaching to the provincial government and wider public. We produce timely research on a variety of subjects, including university governance, government policies, trends in funding and developments at research universities, and policy analyses. Learn more here: www.cufa.bc.ca/research-issues.

Current President Dr. Monica Prendergast, Professor at the University of Victoria, is the 39th President of CUFA BC. Annabree Fairweather is the fourth Executive Director.

Meet the current CUFA BC Executive at https://cufa.bc.ca/about/staff-board


July 2024 — Monica Prendergast (UVic, Education)

July 2022 — Ken Christie (RRU, Humanitarian Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies)

July 2020 — Dan Laitsch (SFU, Education)

July 2018 — Jacqueline Holler (UNBC, History/Women’s and Gender Studies)

July 2016 — Jim Johnson (UBC, Economics)

July 2014 — Doug Baer (UVic, Sociology)

July 2012 — Richard Kool (RRU, Environment and Sustainability)

July 2010 — David Mirhady (SFU, Humanities)

July 2008 — Paul Bowles (UNBC, Economics)

July 2006 — Chris Petter (UVic, Library)

July 2004 — Norma Wieland (UBC, Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies)

July 2002 — Rick Coe (SFU, English)

July 2000 — Darwyn Coxson (UNBC, Biology)

July 1998 — Jim Gaskell (UBC, Curriculum Studies)

July 1997 — Tony Sheppard (UBC, Law)

April 1997 — Lee Keener (UNBC, Mathematics and Computing)

April 1995 — Bruce More (UVic, Music)

April 1994 — Ehor Boyanowsky (SFU, Criminology)

April 1993 — Geoff Herring (UBC, Chemistry)

March 1992 — Gordon Shrimpton (UVic, Classics)

April 1991 — Tom Bell (SFU, Chemistry)

March 1990 — Marg Csapo (UBC, Education)

March 1989 — Richard (Dick) Powers (UVic, Political Science)

December 1986 — William (Bill) Pfaffenberger (UVic, Mathematics)

December 1985 — Sidney Mindess (UBC, Civil Engineering)

December 1984 — Ehor Boyanowsky (SFU, Criminology)

December 1983 — Gordon Shrimpton (UVic, Classics)

August 1982 — Len Berggren (SFU, Mathematics)

September 1981 — David Haley (UBC, Forestry)

December 1980 — Sam Scully (UVic, Classics)

December 1979 — Brian Sager (SFU, Geography)

December 1978 — Laurenda Daniells (UBC, Library)

December 1977 — Trevor Williams (UVic, English)

December 1976 — Larry Thomas (SFU, Education)

January 1975 — Ian Ross (UBC, English)

March 1974 — John Hutchinson (SFU, History)

March 1973 — Charles Doyle (UVic, English) – First President of CUFA BC

October 1972 — Charles Doyle (UVic, English) – Chairperson, Coordinating Committee of the BC Faculty Associations

October 1971 — Robert Kubicek (UBC, English) – Chairperson, Coordinating Committee of the BC Faculty Associations